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Student testimonial – Interview with Ikumi

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Student testimonial – Interview with Ikumi

I stayed at ESE for 48 weeks, can you imagine how many things happened to me so far away from home? Whenever I was having a hard time I was always helped and supported by ESE friends and teachers. I would not have been able to finalise my studies abroad without this enormous support.

ESE is a large school which enables you to meet and make friends with many students from different countries. The school is fully equipped with many class rooms, big study desks, interactive white boards and so on.

I lived at Belmonte which is the largest residence of ESE. I was very happy there sharing my time with a lot of ESE students and enjoying a students’ lifestyle.

I started with the Academic Year Course. My experience on this course differed from class to class. My favourite teacher is Liz who helped and encouraged us a lot in AYC, she treated us like her children.

Then I moved on to a challenging Exam course (TOEIC) because I wanted to try it out .
I like Heidi’s methods and the lessons were very interesting so we enjoyed studying in a meaningful way. This was a very good and stimulating course. Everyone did their best, took studying seriously and worked towards a goal and I was motivated to do the same.

I am happy to say I have done the things I wanted to do in Malta throughout the year.
My advice to fellow ESE students (especially those students who come here for a much shorter period) is to appreciate your experience day by day. Malta is such a beautiful island with so many wonderful places!


If you would like to find out more about ESE’s Academic English Course check out our website by clicking here.

If you would like to find out more about the TOEIC Exam Preparation Course, please click here.

picture of Ikumi
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