NILE Malta - CELTA Course
The CELTA course is now available at ESE!
The Cambridge Certificate in English Language Teaching to Speakers of Other languages (CELTA) course is finally available at ESE!
This course will help you develop the skills needed to teach English as a foreign language.
To apply follow the procedure as indicated BELOW.
Refundable if certain criteria is met
- Experience working in a professional setting
- Reflect upon your teaching skills
- Achieve a prestigious award in English Language Teaching
- Analyse language and language skills
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What is the CELTA Course?
The Cambridge Certificate in English Language Teaching to Speakers of Other languages (CELTA) course will help you develop the skills needed to teach English as a foreign language.
The CELTA qualification is awarded by Cambridge English which is part of Cambridge University. CELTA is the most widely recognised TEFL qualification in the world.
You can gain this qualification through NILE at ESE, Malta as a mixed-mode course. This blended course provides the opportunity to study online as well as teach students from all over the world face-to-face. As a trainee, you will have full access to NILE’s resources and tutoring support. You will work in a professional setting with your colleagues as well as your CELTA tutors.
During the input sessions you will explore how the English language works as well as learn about teaching methodologies.
There will also be teaching practice, where you will experiment with and exploit what you have been exposed to during the input sessions. After each teaching practice session, you will receive detailed feedback on your performance and lesson planning. You will also have the opportunity to reflect and comment on your classroom experience through the observation of experienced teachers.
There is no final assessment, as candidates are assessed continuously throughout the course through your written assignments as well as the teaching practices. An external assessor is appointed by Cambridge to moderate the course. Completion of the course does not guarantee the award of the CELTA certificate. Receiving the Certificate necessitates pass marks in both the written assignments and the teaching practices. There are three pass grades: Pass A, Pass B and Pass.Application process
Terms & Conditions apply
Upon filling in the form, you will be required to complete an application task which focuses on language analysis and language teaching/learning experience. We will then organise an interview either in person or via Zoom.
Your course at a glance
Online and at ESE, Malta
language level
Course Dates
MIN. Class size
Cambridge CELTA
Course Duration
8 weeks
minimum age
18 years
What else is included in your course?
Tutor-led course
Highly interactive with live teaching
Specialist ELT library
Accredited by AQUEDUTO

- Face-to-face at the school (Monday – Friday 9am – 5:30pm)
- Online TBD
- 6 hours teaching practice and feedback
- 6 hours of in-class observation
- About 50 hours of practical input sessions on methodology, language awareness, phonology and professional development
- About 20 hours of lessons preparation, initially supervised by the course tutors
- 4 written assignment
- At least one private tutorial
- Understanding the relationship between the learner, the teacher and the teaching/learning context
- Language analysis, awareness and skills
- Planning effective lessons for adults and utilisation of resources and materials
NOTE: Input sessions and teaching practice will happen both online and face-to-face. More details TBA.
Interested in this course?
- Click here to download the application form.
- Complete the form.
- Submit the completed form to: [email protected]