Spring has sprung – Idioms about Spring
It’s the time of year where the birds start chirping, the temperatures start increasing, the flowers start blossoming and everything starts turning green once again. The weather is finally bearable, which means that we can enjoy going for hikes and walking along the beach before it gets too hot.
If you’re wondering why this season needs a blog post, it’s because we’d like to teach you some related idioms so that you can expand your vocabulary and better your English! Here are some of our favourites:
1) Spring has sprung
This alliteration-laced idiom is literal. It is used to remark that the spring season has arrived, and it is often said about something observed in the environment around us.
“Today is the 21st of March, the sun is shining, and skies are clear… looks like spring has definitely sprung!”

2) Spring is in the air
This idiom is used when the first physical signs of the end of winter and the beginning of spring start showing. The word spring also refers to new beginnings and the expression ‘in the air’ means that something exciting or significant is about to happen.
“Spring is in the air – I start my new job as a teacher tomorrow!”
3) April showers bring May flowers
This English idiom means that despite the (often) bleak British weather, one should still think positive. The rain may pour now, but it will make everything look more beautiful later. It also signifies that a period of discomfort can provide the basis for one which brings happiness.
“Although last week has been tough for me, I know that April showers bring May flowers.”

4) Fresh as a daisy
This idiom is used to describe a person who is healthy and energetic.
“Now that I’ve slept a good 8 hours, I feel fresh as a daisy!”
5) Not a cloud in the sky
Clouds are often a symbol of our worries. When there isn’t a single cloud in the sky, things will look good for a while and there will be nothing to worry about. This can also be used literally to describe clear skies i.e., those which are cloudless.
“It’s a perfect day to go hiking – there isn’t a single cloud in the sky.”

6) The grass is/isn’t always greener on the other side
Imagine a fence placed between two neighbourhood gardens. We may prefer how our neighbour’s garden looks compared to ours. When someone is not happy with what they have in life, they may assume that there are better things in other places. Thus, this idiom describes the human quality of wanting something different from ours. However, this isn’t usually the case.
“I feel like I’d live a better life in America. Well, the grass is always greener on the other side…”
7) Putting all your eggs in one basket
Eggs here refer to energy or resources, so when we use them all for one thing, it may not go smoothly. If all else fails, there will be no alternatives left.
“I shouldn’t have put all my eggs in one basket when I left my job – now, finding a new one is much harder.”

8) Social butterfly
Like butterflies love being around flowers, so do humans who love being around other humans. These are referred to as social butterflies.
“My mother is such a social butterfly – all her friends like being around her.”
Focus on Fluency
- Blossoming (v) – to produce flowers or groups of flowers
- Hikes (n) – a long walk or walking tour
- Bearable (adj) – a situation which can be tolerated
- Alliteration (n) — the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.
- Laced (adj) – something given in large amounts
- Showers (n) — a brief and usually light fall of rain, hail, sleet, or snow
- Bleak (adj) – cold and miserable
- Energetic (adj) – showing or involving great activity or vitality
- Fence (n) — a barrier, railing, or other upright structure, typically of wood or wire, enclosing an area of ground to prevent or control access or escape

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