
course price for 2 weeks 

This course will enable you to question and critique your existing teaching materials, practices and language use, and reflect upon how they impact the world outside the classroom. Linking critical theory with everyday classroom practice, you will develop your ability to facilitate rich, engaging dialogue with your students on a range of contemporary social issues in the course. As a course participant, you will get hands-on experience in selecting, adapting and designing teaching materials that are both contextually-appropriate and foster criticality – thus empowering you and your learners to become active, engaged global citizens.


Challenging Perspectives in Language Education includes content drawn from some or all of the following areas:

  • Critical pedagogy and critical literacy
  • Empathetic listening skills
  • Critical materials analysis (including published coursebooks and authentic texts)
  • Dialogue facilitation skills
  • Social justice issues in language education (e.g. racism, sexism, homophobia)
  • Censorship in published ELT materials and ‘PARSNIP’ topics (i.e. politics, alcohol, religion, sex/sexuality, nudity/narcotics, isms and pork)
  • Inclusive practices
  • Stereotyping, generalising and politically correct language use
  • Participatory approaches to language education and course design
  • Applied ethics


The afternoon sessions provide the opportunity for the practical application of the mornings’ input with support from the tutor, essential for the course outcomes.

Specific course content comes from feedback you and other participants give us through pre-course questionnaires, identifying your needs and priorities.

We build time into the course for reflection, to consider how to adapt the content to your own professional context.

We then support you in creating a strategy for putting your ideas into practice on returning to your institution.


Moreover, all NILE courses involve a significant element of English language improvement and/or the development of language awareness.

Who is the course suitable for?
  • Teachers of teenagers or adults working in either state or private contexts who want to develop their learners’ critical thinking skills
  • Language teachers looking to foster their own critical literacy and further integrate critical approaches into their materials and course design
  • Participants with a minimum language level corresponding to B2 on the Common European Framework

Fast Facts

Entry level

Minimum B2 Level of English 

Minimum Age

23 years

Length of Course

2 weeks – 10 training days 


  • Access to NILE eLibrary
  • Access to NILE Digital Learning Platform.
  • End-of-Certificate


20 – 24 Nov 2023

Class size

Average: 10 trainees per Group   

Max Size: 15 trainees per group


30 hours (22.5 hours per week)


Course Fee                  Low season:   €540.00 per week;    High season:  €570.00 per week
                                      2 week course – Low/mid season:  €1080.00; High season: €1140.00

Programme Fee :                        €100.00  –  includes

                                                       €60 Registration Fee — Mandatory

                                                       €40 Social Programme 

                                                       includes 2  pre-booked half-day cultural guided tours -Optional

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