Video, Image and Story for language Teachers

2 weeks


starting price
per week

What is it about language teachers and video? Why do we feel the need to turn to sites like YouTube as a source of material and inspiration? Adverts, short films, and viral videos might be fun and entertaining. But why bring them into the language classroom?


The answer is quite simple. Like all human beings, language learners need narrative. As teachers, we intuitively know this. And video provides us with a constant stream of visual stories to engage them.


But despite this, it can be too easy to use video without really exploiting the possibilities that it offers. In other words, although it’s the story that we love, too often, it’s the story that we neglect.


On Video and Story for Language Teachers you will explore how human beings create and interact with video narratives.


You will see how to design communicative language teaching ideas based on a few simple principles.

  • Learn how to make the most of video in and out of your classroom – including online contexts.
  • Find out how to engage students and get them listening, thinking, speaking, reading, writing, problem solving and much more.
  • Improve your classroom storytelling skills and help your students do the same.
  • Learn to set up tasks in which students make use of video cameras in and out of the classroom.
  • Learn how to make the most of video cameras in the teacher’s hands
  • Take away a bank of original lesson
  • Stream lesson plans.

Time will be built into the course for reflection and for participants to consider how to adapt ideas from the course to their own context.



All NILE’s courses involve a significant element of English language improvement and/or development of language awareness.



All course participants receive a pre-course questionnaire, which should be returned prior to the course. This is to ensure that the areas of most relevance to participants are covered.


Fast Facts

Entry level

Min. Level – B1 

Minimum Age

23 years

Length of Course

45 Hours – 2 weeks


  • Access to NILE eLibrary
  • Access to NILE Digital Learning Platform.
  • End-of-Certificate


2 weeks (10 training days):
19.08.2024 – 30.08.2024

1 week:

25.03.2024 – 28.03.2024

Class size

Average 6 per group 

Max.16 per Group


30 lessons (22.5 Hours per week)


Course Fee:                       2 week course – Low/mid season:  €1110.00; High season: €1170.00

Programme Fee :              €100.00  —  includes

                                             €60 Registration Fee — Mandatory

                                             €40 Social Programme  

                                             includes 2 pre-booked half-day cultural guided tours -Optional)

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