Become a host family Do you have a spare room available and would you like to host an international student/s in your home? Complete the form below and we will get in touch with you. Contact Us Host Family Application Form Personal Information:Name of Contact Person:* First Last ID Card Number:*Your Address:*Preferred locations include: Pembroke, St. Julian's, Swieqi, Sliema, Naxxar, Mosta and Gharghur. Other locations will also be considered. Street Address City ZIP / Postal Code Your Email Address:* Your Home Phone Number:Your Mobile Phone Number:Adult Family Members:*On each line, please enter the information of each family member. Family MemberBirthdayOccupation Children In Your Household:Gender (M/F)AgeName Do You Have Any Pets?* Yes No Please List The Pets You Have:*Information About Your Residence:Host Family Licence No:If you are in possession of a valid host family licence, please enter it in the space provided. Otherwise, please follow this link for more information.Type of Residence:*ApartmentMaisonetteTerraced HouseVillaResidence Located Near: Quiet Area (Residential) Entertainment Area Shopping Area Main Road Playground Sea Front / Valley Other Please Describe What is Located Close to Your ResidenceFacilities of Residence: Private Pool Garden Courtyard Other Please Describe the Facilities of Your ResidenceYour Preferred Student Profile:Student Preference:*MaleFemaleNo gender preferencePreferred Age of Student/s:*Please note that the age of the student/s assigned to you cannot be guaranteed.13-1718+50+No PreferenceWill You Accept Students On Full Board Basis?*All meals Yes Will You Accept Students On Half Board Basis?*Breakfast, and one main meal Yes Will You Accept Smokers? Yes Are You Prepared To Give Students a House Key? Yes In An Emergency, Would You Provide Transport To Students If Necessary? Yes Do / Will You Host Students From Other Schools? Yes Have You Ever Hosted With Another Organisation Before? Yes Please Specify:*Bedroom Amenities:*Please enter the information relevant to each room you have in your home on one line. You can use the + button to add additional rooms. No.of bedsDeskChairFan/ACHeaterBedside LampWindowBalcony / TerraceComments Bathroom Amenities:*Please enter the information relevant to each room you have in your home on one line. You can use the + button to add additional rooms. No.of bathroomsBathShowerW/CShared with HFPrivateComments Other Facilities Offered to Students: Fridge Wi-Fi Internet TV Stereo Other Please Describe the Facilities Offered to StudentsPlease State The Languages Spoken And Level In Your Household:*Example: English - Good. Family Hobbies:Can You Cater For Special Needs?* Special Diets Vegetarians Gluten Free Lactose Intolerant hCaptcha NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ