Accreditations, Awards and Memberships
Our long list of accreditations is recognition of our commitment to quality and high standards across all the services we offer at ESE.
Our long list of accreditations is recognition of our commitment to quality and high standards across all the services we offer at ESE. As a result, they show that we have been successful at meeting the requirements of international accreditation standards within the English Language teaching industry.
ESE is accredited and is a member of:
IALC, the International Association of Language Centres, is a network of private, independent language schools that specialise in teaching the language of their country.
The IALC network includes some of the leading private language centres in the world and is growing steadily. Its Quality Scheme and Code of Ethics ensure that IALC schools are among the most professional and successful in their field.
EAQUALS – Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality Language Services, is a sign of “Excellence in Language Education”.
EAQUALS is an international association of language course providers and services which aims to promote high quality within the language education field.
In order to become an Accredited Member of EAQUALS, each school must undergo a rigorous external triennial inspection. To this end, it ensures that the school meets the strict criteria in the EAQUALS Charters.
Click here to find out more about choosing an EAQUALS accredited school.
Quality English QE is a quality brand for leading independent and private English language schools. QE English language schools are carefully chosen from the best of independent English language schools.
These provide high-quality English language training for business, career or leisure, and offer a high degree of personal service and individual attention to their students.
QE is run by directors and staff who care about education and the individual needs of their students.
FELTOM member schools offer a wide variety of quality English language courses to suit all requirements and levels. Students may benefit from a total immersion experience while learning English in Malta.

The institution of Bildungsurlaub allows German employees working in any sector to apply for 5 days of study travel as part of their continuing professional development. This allows them to travel and develop their foreign language skills at the same time.
Bildungsurlaub is granted against recognised certification. A number of German states, namely Berlin, Hamburg, Brandenburg, Niedersachen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein, Rheinland Pfalz and Hessen & Saarland, recognise ESE’s English language courses.
CEN is a major provider of European Standards and technical specifications. It is the only recognised European organisation according to Directive 98/34/EC for the planning, drafting and adoption of European Standards in all areas of economic activity. However, this excludes electrotechnology and telecommunication.

WYSE Travel Confederation is the world’s largest network of youth and student travel operators. It is a not-for-profit association dedicated to supporting the global industry. It also connects the organisations that serve millions of young people who travel to study, work and grow.
IATA, the International Air Transport Association, is a trade association of airlines. IATA has 240 members and comprises 84% of the total air traffic.
As a licensed member of IATA, ESE can book, confirm and issue tickets from any destination.
The National Commission for the Promotion of Equality is an independent, government funded body set up by virtue of Chapter 456 the Laws of Malta in January 2004. The primary task of NCPE is to monitor the implementation of Equality for men and women Act.
NCPE also works to ensure that Maltese society is free from any form of discrimination.